Request for blog posts

Powerful Healthcare Decisions is comprised of online courses and health guidance coaching. The “power” comes from agency – the concrete capacity for meaningful action that includes not only freedom and confidence, but resources for action.

I would like to get posts from others about how you have experienced agency in your interactions with healthcare systems.

Do any of these pain points register with you? What other would you suggest?
• How do I develop the skills for helping me be in the driver’s seat for taking a more powerful role in conversations with healthcare practitioners?
• How do I get the right information about my illness and treatment options?
• How do I discern among sources of information that I can trust?
• What do I do when I do not understand what a healthcare practitioner is saying?
• What do I do when a healthcare practitioner talks down to me or minimizes or downplays my symptoms?

Please send me your draft posts at I will review them and make suggested edits. These can be anonymous.

