The Intention

The Alchemist Behind This – Hal Richman

Several years ago, at a clambake in rural New Brunswick, I was challenged by a doctor to reflect on times in my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood where my agency was taken. This spurred me on to take a personal journey to reflect on these times and how I dealt with agency in my interactions with the healthcare system over the past twenty years. This turned into a year of research and writing for a paper on agency. This initiative was born from this paper and my heart.

My Ph.D. is in Political Science where I studied how facilitation can help overcome power disparities in task-oriented groups. I have been around the world evaluating international development programs in countries like Sri Lanka, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Timor-Leste. As well, I provided consulting services in training and development to the United Nations Development Program for seven years.

I have strong business planning and “start-up experience”, as well as an entrepreneurial bent in a variety of technically focused industries such as software and energy efficiency. During the *com days, I was the president of Knowledge Navigators International, a pioneering start-up that developed an online learning and collaboration (sadly) before Facebook.