
Skills Building


The Powerful Healthcare Decisions courses help people learn effective strategies by gathering trusted information for better health outcomes and communicating assertively with healthcare practitioners as a partner in shared decision-making. This results in a greater sense of freedom, well-being, and confidence.

The Skills Building online course will provide you with basic tools needed to take the reins in managing your health care by:
Locating, understanding, and assessing trusted information.
Talking more effectively with health care practitioners.
Getting what you need and want you by making clear requests

The course contains two modules:
Module 1: Learn how to apply simple guidelines for exploring medical evidence and health information
Module 2: Develop an understanding of how to use effective communication with healthcare practitioners.

Each module contains narrated training content, resource materials and exercises for you to complete.

Look at the Intro video

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Your Assumptions and Beliefs

(stay tuned)

Modules 3 and 4 go deeper into your values, assumptions and beliefs that underpin your healthcare decisions.

Module 3 – What Does Health Mean to You?

  • How do you define health?
  • What is blocking, or interrupting, your sense of control for making powerful decisions and actions?
  • What part of your health do you feel you DO have the power to influence?  In what ways?

Module 4 – Valuable Questions to Ask Yourself

  • What are your core health care challenges?
  • What quality of life do you want?
  • How much risk are you willing to take in terms of treatment?
  • How far are you willing to go to improve your health?
  • Can you do this on your own?
  • What is your level of confidence and notable hesitations with health care decisions?
  • How can you make an intentional health care decision and not live in regret if things do not work out as planned